This recipe is guaranteed to create a sweet heavenly home, if served daily with love.
Ingredient To-Do-List for the Entire Family:
T--trash (garbage, paper products, etc.)
D--dishes (dirty plates, cups, glasses, etc.)
L--laundry (clean and dirty clothes)
1. Pick up all trash and put in designated trash cans, or better yet, pick it up right after it falls or before it gets laid down. (Take trash cans out daily.)
2. Take all dishes and eating utensils to the kitchen sink, preferably right after eating from them. (Wash them daily, along with the rest of the kitchen.)
3. Deposit dirty clothes in a designated hamper and clean clothes to proper drawers and closets. (Visit laundry facilities weekly, or use them at home, as needed.)
(Some of us just need it spelled out in 1, 2, 3 format!)
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