I used to get so frustrated playing Scrabble with my husband. Before his accident, he could whip me every time in a game of chess, but he could never outshine me in a game of Scrabble. His creative vocabulary, along with fairly good phonic skills but very poor spelling ability, resulted in some pretty loud shouting matches, as we argued over what words were acceptable.
It's getting winter. And I felt like getting out the Scrabble game again
today. Most every winter since Dean's accident I get it out and set it up on the kitchen table
for family members or any passersby to think of words to add to the
puzzle. No score is taken; the only goal is to make words using all the
blocks. Some days I fill the board several times myself. It really is a
challenge to use every block. I just leave it up for several days to
help pass the time.
I'm really curious to see what words Dean will contribute this year. Will they be as recognizable as they have in the past? I guess we'll find out. But whatever the outcome, I'm going to try to be unemotional and patient. Perhaps sharing a chuckle with him when he tries to explain his word choices.
And while I'm at it, I'm going to try not to take the Game of Life so seriously either. Lord, help me handle the stress and drama in my life more leisurely. With more patience and chuckles.
1 comment:
I agree... let's lighten up on life... laugh at the things that haven't caused the world to "come to an end."
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