Thursday, May 27, 2021

May Musings

May is almost out the door, so to speak, but it has been an eventful month for sure. Fourteen Zoom meetings, but also two in-person medical appointments, two times for attending church, and numerous more times with small family and friend visits and short shopping expeditions. Things are getting back to normal around here, if but slowly. A welcome break from a stressful covid year we've just experienced.

Just a word about vaccines though. Some claim that people have gotten vaccinated out of fear. But truly, I see that those who have been most anxious to get their shot are the ones who are the most brave. True, the elderly are the ones with a lot at risk, but they don't hesitate to chance the side effects, because they wisely see that the only way out of this pandemic is for as many people as possible to get protected with the shots. Just as it's been with every other disease outbreak in the past, we need to trust what medical science has accomplished with previous vaccines.

Of course, what's most needed is for there to be kind understanding on both sides. As much as I don't like being labeled as "fearful", I must be cautious not to label others as "selfish", "misinformed", or any other label that comes to mind. We all have different backgrounds, and cannot expect to be on the same page on every issue out there.

I pray, most of all, that there will be something positive we can take away from this year. And the most positive thing would be to love God and others more. That can only happen when we determine within ourselves to overlook our differences and focus on becoming more like God...

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy." Psalm 103:8

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