Monday, February 13, 2012

It Is NOT Finished

Today seemed like a day of getting things half-done. Dropped my nephew off at work, but the roads were so slick, I let him off in front of the building instead of going into the parking lot. Then I filled out a form, but couldn't complete it without my husband's signature. Thought I was through paying bills, until the mailman came and brought more of them. I worked on my Sabbath School class notes for teaching this coming week, but didn't complete it.  This blog has even been sitting here awhile, half-done, while I made some more reminder phone calls for our brain injury support group tomorrow.

When I really stop and think about it, my work on earth won't ever be done until I draw my last breath. Isn't that how all of us operate? People talk about retiring, so their work will be done and they'll have nothing to do. But I just don't see that happening very often. People become very unhappy with nothing to do. We should rejoice that the work just keeps coming. It means we have a purpose for living.

Even God gave Adam and Eve something to do in the Garden of Eden. They were to dress and keep it. Even with no weeds, I imagine that was no small task. Thank you, God, for keeping me busy. Maybe tomorrow I'll complete at least one of my projects though. If I don't lie in bed, HALF-awake tonight!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Something I was struck by was when my mother in law's health was deteriorating, yet she just kept going as she still had work to do. The meals still needed to be made, the pasture still needed to be rented out that spring. She just kept going. She passed on, and now, my Father in law just keeps going. At age 88, we refer to him as the 'Energizer Bunny'.