Nothing like a middle-of-the-month online bank account check to totally depress a person. I know about now I have to slow down my spending in order to make the money stretch to the end of the month, but it is so unnerving to discover if you spend ANY more you will be overdrawn by then. I hate that, but it's a reality for many, many people these days. There's always more month than there is money.
I do draw some solace in the fact that I return God's tithe. And if I really keep my spending for needs only, my needs always seem to be met. That's such a relief in this hurting economy. I think of the widow who fed the prophet Elijah the last of her food. Before he left he told her, "The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry..." What a miracle that was! You could make a nice tortilla with some flour and oil. Or a pancake, or some flatbread, or a nice cracker. Whatever it was, it was made with miracle ingredients.
So, from here on out, I will not complain about not having enough, but will look at what I have as a gift from heaven.
Oh yes... So much more month than money... I have often thought of that story too when we were low. God will supply all your need.
Don't know how you've done it with such a large family too!
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