Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Team Challenge

Last night our son-in-law came over to set up a new wireless printer for me. Could have done it myself, but wouldn't have been easy; and besides it was a chance to see the grandkids for an evening.

In order to get the house quieter though while he worked, our daughter took her dad somewhere so it was just the kids and I in the house. Believe me, it was an even trade-off. Two little girls for one big man/child.

The noise factor from the girls was kept confined to the hallway where they ran back and forth with Superman-style capes (really small blankets), trying to run fast enough to make the capes lift like parachutes.

It reminded me of a report I got from our daughter after a recent store trip she had with her dad. She said he challenged someone else riding in a department store power-chair to race him. So believe it or not, they both raced their "buggies" from one end of the store to the other to see whose cart was fastest.

Life itself is a race. Sometimes I feel like retiring my track shoes, but the people around me indicate that I'd better stay in the race awhile longer. God isn't through with this caregiver yet. And I'd better do all I can to stay fit in order to keep up with the team.


dellgirl said...

I totally agree with you, Life is a race! It constantly keeps me on my toes, racing to get and bring meds, meals, snacks, and the whole nine yards for my mama and my highly allergic 5 year old grandson.

The minute I sit down, it is time to jump up and get something else for one of them.

I enjoyed reading about how you and your daughter work together to meet the demands of caregiving. My daughter and I do it the same way.

Teresa said...

Yes, caregiving is usually a team effort, Dellgirl. Glad you have some back-up support when you need it too!