Sunday, February 2, 2025

Oh, Happy Day!

 Today is one of the four times out of the year that I remember my husband Dean in a very purposeful way. In June, there's our wedding anniversary. Then September holds the day he suffered a traumatic brain injury from a tractor accident, inspiring me to start this blog about caregiving. Obviously not nearly as pleasant a memory with that date. But December is the month of his birthday--a happy time for most people. (Although this past December, I was battling gallstones--so it took some fun out of my life for a bit there.)

This Groundhog Day, February 2, brings me back to another sad time though. It was the day Dean (or Idaho, as some people knew him) passed away in 2018. What these dates are showing me is that our lives are filled with a mixture of happiness and sorrow.

It make me long for the time when only happiness and joy will fill all our days. The Bible says in Revelation 21:4 that for those in heaven "God will wipe away every year from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." Every day will be a happy day!!! I can't wait for that one!

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