Thursday, May 3, 2012


This was a big shopping day for me. The cupboards and fridge are no longer bare. As I thought about what to have for supper tonight, I realized how difficult it suddenly was to choose, compared to when the few ingredients left over from last month pretty much determined exactly what we would have from night to night.

Both decisions were a challenge though; whether it was making a meal out of extremely limited resources or deciding which of the many menu items would taste good and be good for tonight's supper. You still have to use up those foods with the shortest shelf life first, so it took quite awhile to decide which one would be most appropriate to have first.

Isn't it a blessing to have food to choose from at all though? So many people go to sleep hungry every night. So many children will wake up in the morning with nothing to put in their rumbling bellies. So many teenagers will be forced to skip lunch, because they are too poor to bring a lunch or buy food at school.

There is another choice we all can make. Choose to help those less fortunate. Every chance you get. They say that the only excuse to look down on someone is while you're helping them up. Choose to lift up, rather than put down, and the world will be a better place for everyone.

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