Monday, December 19, 2011

The Caregiver's Caregiver

Today was unusual in that the doctor appointment I went to was for me! It felt rather strange sitting in the examining room all by myself, waiting for the doctor to come in. As a caregiver, I'm more accustomed to being with a loved one, being their voice, and seeing that all their needs are addressed. I felt like a student pilot the first time they fly solo. I was really a bit terrified that I might not remember everything I needed to consult the doctor about. But at the same time, the freedom was exhilarating.

There is need for even a caregiver to have an Advocate though. In the courts of heaven, we all need Someone to speak up for us. We don't understand exactly what it is we need, but there is Someone who cares about us the same as a caregiver does. Enough to die for us. And He offers us the opportunity to cast all our cares upon Him. I Peter 5:7 is one of my favorite verses. It lets me know that there is a Caregiver for the caregiver.

I didn't need anyone else with me in the doctor's office today. Jesus was right by my side the entire time--the best Caregiver of all!

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