Saturday, December 31, 2011

The New Forever

Tonight my husband and I are celebrating New Year's Eve at home with rootbeer floats and an old Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck movie called "The Lady Eve." The title seemed to fit the occasion.

I'm not sure how all my loved ones are spending the evening, but I know there are two of my siblings who are having a great time together in North Carolina. The best part of any holiday celebration is not what you do, but who you spend it with. I so wish I could be down there with them to bring in the New Year.

Someday we will be with our loved ones at the greatest celebration of all. We will not only bring in a New Year, but a new forever. At Christmas we honor the First Coming of Jesus, but we can't keep our focus there. The Second Coming is what we are to look forward to. A New Year is nice, but I'm ready to begin a new eternity.

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