Thursday, April 12, 2012

Caregivers Have Birthdays too!

My birthday should trump all other topic choices for me tonight. But it really was a rather uneventful day, even with a birthday to boast of. Dean's nurse who checks on him once a week brought me cupcakes for my birthday, which was a nice beginning. I had a cake mix I could have whipped up, but this saved me from the task. She is so thoughtful that way. She's the one who has been able to sweet-talk Dean into getting his fingernails trimmed, so she'll always have a special place in my heart too. We're still working on the mustache issue. So far we're just keeping it at bay. In other words it hasn't reached his chin...yet.

My daughter then called and Jenna, her little one, sang Happy Birthday to me all the way through by herself. Pretty good for her. She usually has mom sing along. My sister and brother called three-way and they sang it too. I embarrassed my nephew by mentioning my birthday on the way home from picking him up from work. He was so upset at himself for forgetting that I felt just as special and valued after his profuse apologies. I'll get my payback from him with all the labor we have planned for around the house this weekend.

All this and over fifty birthday wishes from my Facebook friends made it a nice day. I didn't do much around the house. Only did dishes once and one load of laundry. And I had carrots for supper. Dean doesn't like them, so they were for me!

Thank you, Jesus, for one more year of life. My husband asked today what he could give me for my birthday. I told him he gives it to me every day. A purpose for living. But then again, so does our God.


Kerrie Smith said...

i'm so glad you had a great day! the little things are the greatest aren't they? all michael has to do is wake up early, let me sleep in, and make the boys pancakes. it's like i won the lottery! so happy you had a great birthday and i wish you many more to come!

Teresa said...

Thank you, Kerrie. It was a nice day!